My dad is my hero. No two ways about it. He is a man of his word, good or bad he sticks to whatever he promises. There is no-one in the world I admire more and I feel so lucky to have him be half of the supportive parental unit that has got me to be where I am today. Its funny last year I needed to be reminded by
Dawn to acknowledge my husband for Father's Day (these are the posts from last year on my
dad and then my
Josh post), this year I am in a complete different space. While I am always the first to acknowledge my daddy for all that he has done and continues to do, his generosity of his spirit goes beyond anything I could say, this year I wanted to touch on the father Josh has become.
When we first got together and discussed what I wanted in a relationship I told him that I wanted a child by the time I was 30. He did not want kids, not because he had anything against kids but because he felt that he could not be a great dad. He was not in a place in his life where he liked his parents much and for good reason. He never wanted anyone to feel about him, the way he felt about his folks. I explained to him that he was the one who would determine that. The beauty of kids is what you put into them is what you get out of them. I am such a believer in kids who are brought up with love, learn to love, those that are treated with respect, respect themselves and others. He knew it was not negotiable and kids were so much a part of my future, with or without him. He was not prepared to let me go, I think deep down inside he knew what I knew all along, that he would find his way and create his own path.
Today I marvel at what a great dad he is, how much he loves those girls and gives of himself to them. He works long weeks, leaving the house by 6:30am often returning late at night. No matter how tired he is or how long the week has been, he still shnuggles up with them on the sofa every Saturday Morning from around 6am until I get up. He then drags himself off to bed so he can have an extra hours sleep. He has such patience when it comes to teaching them how to cook or clean. Showing them how to build or fix things. I cook and get it done, he cooks and involves them, he lets them wash the veggies, stir the sauces, make the meatballs, whatever he is making. When they were younger he would put them on the counter, their little feet in the sink, the kids would get soaked as they washed vegetables for a soup or stew. The three of them all decked out in their aprons, having a grand old time.
My daddy is my hero, and to my girls their daddy is theirs!!! Happy Father's day to the two men in my life!!