I think I am destined to have my fifteen minutes of fame. I have had many brushes with fame but have always side stepped it. The first was when I was a little girl and was chosen to be in the very first advert on South African TV. We only got TV in 1978. I contracted a case of the mumps and was unable to do it. That dashed that career. I always loved the theatre and think I would have loved to be on stage but never followed that path, always driven my my level headedness. When Josh and I lived in the city (Manhattan) I was busy rushing to get to work when the phone rang. A male voice asked if I were Yoko Ono's assistant. I said no he must have the wrong number. he apologized, hung up. A few minutes the phone rang again, a voice on the other side, introduced himself and said that he was calling from Canada and that I was being broadcast live on the air. He said they found it strange that I denied being Yoko's assistant when I had a british accent and this was the number they had to contact her. I corrected him by saying that he was wrong on both accounts as my accent was not british but South African and that this number was definitely not Yoko's regardless who had given it to him. It really took a lot of persuading and I have too say I was on the phone for a good 10 minutes denying that I even knew Yoko. I eventually had to put the phone down or I would have been late for work.
My latest brush was posted on my blog ............
I am the Casting Producer for Wife Swap on ABC. I somehow managed to end up on your blog! I was instantly intrigued, reading about thanksgiving, and the family! We are currently looking for an amazing family with huge personalities and character to star on the second season! If this is something you and your family might be interested in, please feel free to contact me on how to apply for the show today!Please do not post this on your website, i do not want my email address becoming public. This message is intended for you and your family only.
My response was....
Thank you for your comment on my blog. I am a complete fan of the show and watch it when I am able to. My blog is about as public as I get and I could not possibly think of being away from my kids for two weeks let alone having to be in someone elses home for that time while being taped for TV.
You had mentioned that you did not want your e-mail address listed on the blog, unfortunately you did that when you left the message. I can't seem to find a way to erase it and thought maybe you could retract it when you had a chance (if you are able to). Keep in mind that I am hardly a high traffic blog so chances are you will not be inundated with e-mails anyway. My blog is merely an online diary for me to document whats happening with us for my friends and family around the world and as a record for my kids when they are older, so I think your e-mail address will be safe there :)
His reply
Thank you for the Email explanation.
So I guess you're saying you are not interested.
Let me just breach this point.
We are looking for a very fabulous, big personality,high class family,
(possibly with live-in help) who is up for the experience of a lifetime!
Perhaps you know of anyone like that? Its just a shot in the dark.
The commitment is 10 days, and families involved receive
a $20,000 honorarium. Please let me know if you think of anyone,
and in the meantime, keep up the good work blogging.