
A South African, married to an American, finally adapting to my adopted country. I love life, laughter, good friends and the warmth that my two kids have filled me with. I glory in the colors of my life and am grateful for the gray days as they allow me to appreciate the rainbows.

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Location: New York, United States

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Monday, May 16, 2005

All is quiet at least for a while.

This weekend we just stopped. Stepped off the carousel and stopped. Josh and I, both sleep deprived and fighting major colds, finally beaten down, spent Saturday in bed - sleeping on and off, watching really bad TV and just too dang beat to care. The girls were great, they honestly played the whole day either together or by themselves without a murmur. We only got up occassionally to throw food at them but for the most part they took care of themselves. It is amazing how they can just tune in when they have to. They made up for it on Sunday when we dashed through a whole array of birthday parties, activities and what not. But for one day we recharged our batteries. No agenda no thought of where to be. All plans cancelled. The world still went on its merry way, nothing fell apart and we laid back - literally. When I step off the roundabout of my life it always amazes me with the amount of activities I manage to fill my days with and how I never truly take time to just be. I stop and start, start a yoga class but it interferes with Josh's activities or the kids or some other part of my life that is out of my control, so I stop it. I start a project for my moms group and then stop - never quite able to find enough hours in a day to tap into that side of me that needs the most amount of nurturing, the part that feeds my spirit, my soul. My time to just be. My new resolution, my parents take my kids most weekends for me, I managed to pack those days with all the stuff that did not get done during the week. My new resolution is to just stop on those days and feed my spirit revigorate my soul and just be. My mid year resolution, kind of like a mid-life crisis except without the hunky 21 year old guy, hm may have to rethink this :)

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