
A South African, married to an American, finally adapting to my adopted country. I love life, laughter, good friends and the warmth that my two kids have filled me with. I glory in the colors of my life and am grateful for the gray days as they allow me to appreciate the rainbows.

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Location: New York, United States

Music Video Codes - MySpace Layouts

Monday, May 09, 2005


How do you determine at a young age how you are going to spend the rest of your life? How does one decide, ok I am going to study xyz to be this profession or this is the face that I want to wake up next to for the rest of my days. Why are such weighty decisions entrusted in the hands of the young? Looking at tired, harried professionals who never found their passion and plug away at the same thing for the rest of their lives is so sad for me. How were they to know that this was it. The choice they made on one day determined who they would be and where the course of their lives would take them.

I often look at couples and I love seeing the dynamics of what makes them tick. Who knew when our hormones dictated our mates that it would be the way a man is with his child or how he lets you sleep in after a rough night out when he is just as tired as you, because you need it so much more. How he can stop on the way home to pick up bread and milk on the way home from during a snow storm just incase you don't have enough for the next day. Or how he backs your car out of the driveway after a night of snow so you don't have to do it because it scares you. How does a young person determine the importance of those qualities not the hardened body and the way his pants fit or whatever criteria they used to select a mate.

I was at a Barmitzvah on Saturday Night, it was a lovely event, very tasteful and a great time was had by all. There were many couples there and we could see the shadow of who they used to be and who they are now. The former nerd who now calls the shots full of determination, severly lacking a hairline but able to hold his own, but a still a mouse of a man. His wife simply and elegantly dressed, she looks at him and smiles like he is the only man in the room. The jock who gained 40lbs and sells used cars, mortgages or works for daddy. He hits on woman like volleys on the tennis court. One after the other trying to prove to himself that he still has it while his bored perfectly coiffured wife looks bored as she exams her diamond encrusted hand, sparkling on her arm as she had once done on his. Now the trophy is varnished, the blonde hair no longer her own. The quiet woman who wispered to me that she had lost 30lbs, became a butterfly struck alive by the lighening of the music as it entered her soul and she rocked in time to the music. The moth became a butterfly and soared until the wee hours of the night.

I shrugged off the flirt as he dismissed my husband while holding my hand long after was customary. Fighting the desire too disolve my hand in a tub of disinfectant I smiled back, slightly blinded by his wife's earrings. Joys we are at the same table. A night of cat and mouse as he chases woman all along, forcing us to hug our husbands a tad bit closer, say a silent prayer of thanks, safe in the knowledge of what we have and long for is right besides us.

I love to dance. There is something that happens to my body when music enters it and I feel the beat through me. I am transported to another time, another place and become a different being. I feel transformed, like the light within me is turned on. The barmitzvah had a whole host of professional dancers who vibe in time and get the guests, up, pumping and rocking, it is awesome. One dancer and I had such a great vibe and he rocked me, dipped, flipped me and basically scrambled me. It was awesome. I love dancing with a man who know hows, J has many traits dancing not being one of them. The professional dancer and I danced in sync, J sat at the table getting quite plastered. At evenings end, we crawled back into the car, me having thrown my hip out and him hammered on redwine and an array of other goodies leaving him well under the influence. We crawled into bed, he flying to the bathroom to expel his body of the evils flowing within, me so beat up I could barely walk. Dang it but we are getting too old for all this fun :) My horribly hungover man, let me and my sore hip sleep in as best he could because it is mothers day, he takes Nikki to soccer and then whips up a feast of note, cleans everything up afterwards, I whisper this really softly as he is still recovering. I am so happy to have made the choice to be with him when I was old enough to appreciate the enourmity of the decision this committment would hold for us.

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