
A South African, married to an American, finally adapting to my adopted country. I love life, laughter, good friends and the warmth that my two kids have filled me with. I glory in the colors of my life and am grateful for the gray days as they allow me to appreciate the rainbows.

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Location: New York, United States

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Thursday, March 10, 2005

Another Day in Paradise

I wonder how it happened. Here I am living this life I lead. I spend many a moment wondering about how I got to be in the place I am, part of a master plan? My fate? My destiny? Or just a series of lucky accidents that bring me to this point. Ryan has a very special friend at school who she adores, she has many friends that she aspires to be like, yes the cool kids start stepping out from the crowd early. Yet there is one boy who steals her heart, when given the choice of having a playdate with one of the super cool kids or the other boy, she chose Jake. Jake has many issues, he has a full-time aid in the class to work with him. He is quite handicapped and Ryan still wants him above anyone else in the class to come over to our house. I asked her why and she simply answered, because he is kind to me. I felt right there that I knew she would be alright. My special little Ry, Ry, my butterfly. She has such a beautiful soul and sees the world in a way not many people do. It amazes me what she sees and remembers, she has some learning issues herself but is one of the smartest people I know. She retains huge amounts of information about people and events literally going back to when she was 2. She has this ability to see past people and into their souls. I know what it is like to see inside people, I was always that way, when I was younger I could wound with a word because instinctively I knew how to control as I got older I knew how to make it better and be kinder. She does it to be kind. It is quite uncanny seeing a part of yourself in someone else. Something that no-one else could ever understand but now someone does. Its a hard road having the kind of heart and the depth of caring that she has - oh my word how lucky to know her, she is a very special girl. She wrote this at school today and I want to share it with you.

Snowflakes Are Unique, Like Me
By Ryan B.
There are many reasons I am unique.
First I am unique because I have a little sister.
Next I am unique because I am nice.
Last, I am unique because I am good at listening.
In conclusion, I am unique like a snowflake.

How true it all is .............................. Ry you are a unique and special girl.

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