Dawn brought it to my attention that I had not mentioned why Ry has been at all the dr's in my previous post. Nothing serious thank goodness, she has a weird thing with the tendon on her foot called Peroneal Tendon Subluxation, its where the tendon is stretched, and does not fit into the right place on her foot, it is very common in serious athletes. She also has some learning problems and needs additional help for that. She is an incredibly bright and creative girl but has some issues studying. She sees a dr once every six weeks, has physical therapy three times a week, has a homework helper 3x a week (as I am at work), a tutor once a week and then a few dr vivts inbetween that. Poor kid, its a lot but hopefully can all be ironed out in the next few years. She is like a fulltime job these days and it really takes a lot of time and planning but hopefully she will get sorted out and life can be hectic without all the extra hectic stuff.
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